Finding purpose in work

The importance of values alignment is echoed through each stage of Raph Kennedy’s life and career, whether she recognised it at the time or not. It may not be surprising that HESTA’s Senior Manager Policy & Advocacy thrives in an environment where she can make a positive impact, but what is surprising is the non-linear journey it took her to get there. Raised by an ‘absolute trailblazer’ mother, who always stood up for what was right, even when it wasn’t in her personal interests to do so, Raph grew up with aspirations to be a social worker. She then moved into IT, then over to unions and has anchored her work in member experience ever since.

The importance of values alignment is echoed through each stage of Raph Kennedy’s life and career, whether she recognised it at the time or not. It may not be surprising that HESTA’s Senior Manager Policy & Advocacy thrives in an environment where she can make a positive impact, but what is surprising is the non-linear journey it took her to get there.

Raised by an ‘absolute trailblazer’ mother, who always stood up for what was right, even when it wasn’t in her personal interests to do so, Raph grew up with aspirations to be a social worker. She then moved into IT, then over to unions and has anchored her work in member experience ever since.

At the time, she struggled to articulate the value that she offered as a generalist, however realised over time that that offers its own specialist expertise, in the unique insights that can be offered, connecting ‘the deep expertise that can otherwise be siloed in big organisations’. Although this advice was offered to her many times throughout her career, it took a few years for it to resonate with her.

After serving on the senior leadership team in her previous organisation, Raph moved into super in order to stretch herself in a new sector, highlighting her understanding of the benefits of lateral career movement, in addition to vertical.

With a focus on continual learning and growth, and at her happiest with scope to think creatively, tackling problems through a systems lens, Raph uses her experience in advocacy, education, strategy, innovation and leadership, to now lead the team responsible for HESTA’s ‘whole of fund’ approach to advocacy – diagnosing solutions to the problems faced by members that would otherwise negatively impact their retirement. Experience that also informs her essential role on the Women in Super Policy Committee.

Joining Women in Super when she joined the industry in 2022, and the Policy Committee not long after, Raph played an instrumental part in facilitating the group discussions at our 2023 Women’s Super Summit, which she found incredibly energising. ‘To be in a room filled with women generously sharing their expertise and developing solutions for such heavily entrenched problems was very exciting. It created a sense of momentum and hope that we can make the big changes needed.’

Working with, and for, visionary people who echo her love of making change has also been a strong theme throughout Raph’s career. ‘I have worked with and learned from some amazing women and continue to do so every day! I have been lucky enough to enjoy friendship with and sponsorship of impactful and generous women in a number of different organisations, and this is something I try to share with others around me, too.’

This sentiment is evident with her advice for new Women in Super members. ‘Be involved. WIS is a great organisation and provides a fabulous opportunity to establish your own relationships across the sector. It can be tricky balancing family and other responsibilities, but I always get so much out of each WIS activity I participate in… It is a great opportunity to meet people you may not otherwise get to know.’

To Raph, success looks like achieving meaningful change for members, so it is no surprise that the thing she is most excited about at the moment is her ability to work with an amazing team of people committed to achieving the best possible outcomes for members, every single day. ‘There is real momentum on some of the work nearest and dearest to my heart. I feel very lucky’.

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